woofi - WiFi radio management Full android app free download


Name: woofi - WiFi radio management Full
Size: 195 KB
Category: System Tools
License: Free
Downloads: 2112
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Download the app of woofi - WiFi radio management Full for your android smartphone. This woofi - WiFi radio management Full app free download is a System Tools app and has a size of 195 KB. It is a woofi - WiFi radio management Full apk file and you can install it on your android phone via free download from this page. It supports all latest android devices including android tablets and android phones like lollipop and marshmallow.
download woofi - WiFi radio management Full
apk | 195 KB
Ver 1.62a, for Android Overview: Simply put, with woofi you define locations like "home", "work", or "Joe's house", and woofi turns your WiFi radio on when near those points and off when not. Simply put, with woofi you define locations like "home", "work", or "Joe's house", and woofi turns your WiFi radio on when near those points and off when not. More detailed explanation: Say, for example, that the only place you connect your phone to WiFi is at home. This means you don't need for the WiFi radio in your phone to be on when you're not at home. The rest of the day it's just sitting there trying to connect to access points and wasting battery. With this app you would save your "home" location (and wherever else you connect to WiFi regularly...like at the office), and the app would keep track of your location throughout the day and when you weren't near these saved locations turn your WiFi radio off, and then when you were near them it would turn your WiFi radio back on. You can, of course, simply turn the WiFi radio on and off manually when you are at-home/not-at-home, the only purpose of this app is to automate doing this for you. I always forget to do this manually...thus the idea for this app. Most people seem to leave their WiFi on all the time and not realize that it's on because it just connects to networks that they've connected to before automatically. Here's what normally happens without this app: Once you've connected to your home (or office, or wherever) WiFi, Android will just connect to your home WiFi every time you're in range. The only way it knows to do this is because the WiFi radio in your phone is on all the time looking for WiFi networks to connect to. This app replaces that procedure by checking your phones location and leaving the WiFi radio off unless it is needed. Doing this saves battery life.