Camcorder Shortcut android app free download


Name: Camcorder Shortcut
Size: 15 KB
Category: Media
License: Free
Downloads: 1894
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Download the app of Camcorder Shortcut for your android smartphone. This Camcorder Shortcut app free download is a Media app and has a size of 15 KB. It is a Camcorder Shortcut apk file and you can install it on your android phone via free download from this page. It supports all latest android devices including android tablets and android phones like lollipop and marshmallow.
download Camcorder Shortcut
apk | 15 KB
Ver 1.0, for Android OS 2.1 and up Have you ever wondered why theres a shortcut to the camera, but not the camcorder? Well now there is. Never again miss a memory due to the tedious navigation required to launch your camcorder. Simply install this application and never miss a memory again! Unlike other apps, this app will launch the default camcorder instead of trying to launch a camcorder app that your phone doesn't actually have installed, making it universally compatible for all Android devices. SEO: camcorder, video camera, shortcut