Pull-Ups iGo Potty android app free download


Name: Pull-Ups iGo Potty
Size: 10.46 MB
Category: Education
License: Free
Downloads: 2850
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Download the app of Pull-Ups iGo Potty for your android smartphone. This Pull-Ups iGo Potty app free download is a Education app and has a size of 10.46 MB. It is a Pull-Ups iGo Potty apk file and you can install it on your android phone via free download from this page. It supports all latest android devices including android tablets and android phones like lollipop and marshmallow.
download Pull-Ups iGo Potty
apk | 10.46 MB
Ver 1.6, for Android OS 2.1 and up iGo Potty - It's the app that makes toilet training a snap! Experts say setting a potty schedule helps teach your child to use the toilet. But how do you keep to that schedule - and minimize conflict between yourself and a stubborn toddler? Presenting iGo Potty - the potty training app developed by the makers of Pull-Ups Training Pants, your partners in potty training. iGo Potty makes potty training fun for kids and grown-ups too. It includes: - Cute potty reminders: Patty the Potty phones your child and says, "It's time to use the potty!" You decide when and how often Patty calls. - Fun stuff including reward stickers, simple games, sound effects and music help your child stay motivated and engaged. - A progress tracker provides a visual snapshot of how your child is doing. You can even share a progress report with family and friends. - Even when your child doesn't go, iGo Potty is always positive and encouraging. - And when training is successfully completed - you guessed it - iGo Potty creates a diploma signifying your child is a "Big Kid Now." Print it out and hang it on the fridge - your child earned it! iGo Potty is great for potty trainees, caregivers, older siblings and parents too. It's self-explanatory and easy to use - and if you ever get stuck, there's even a built-in tutorial. iGo Potty - It's the app that makes toilet training a snap!