Battle of the Sexes android app free download


Name: Battle of the Sexes
Size: 346 KB
Category: Education
License: Free
Downloads: 45725
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Download the app of Battle of the Sexes for your android smartphone. This Battle of the Sexes app free download is a Education app and has a size of 346 KB. It is a Battle of the Sexes apk file and you can install it on your android phone via free download from this page. It supports all latest android devices including android tablets and android phones like lollipop and marshmallow.
download Battle of the Sexes
apk | 346 KB
Ver 1.01, for Android OS 1.5 and up Munch on gender differences. While we may regularly interact with the opposite sex, we still feel that there are differences, both big and small, between us. Most men will tell you that men drive better, while women will tell you that women are more intuitive. But is that really true? Are these differences biological or societal? Are there actually any scientifically valid differences between men and women? Is there any truth to the stereotypes we may have of the opposite gender, or even our own? Munch on some of these gender differences - physical, mental, and emotional - and deepen your knowledge of the opposite gender and even understand yourself better. Or just have fun and use this knowledge to tease somebody of the opposite sex! Over 100 scientific factoids regarding gender differences. Share through texting, email, or Facebook.